a Little Harder
Composers: Mick
Jagger & Keith Richards
First release: Metamorphosis,
June 1975
Recording date: February
Recording locations: Regent
Sound Studios, London, England
Producer: Andrew
Oldham Chief
Probable line-up:
Drums: Charlie
Watts or Andy White
Bass: (Bill Wyman?)
Acoustic guitar: John McLaughlin
Electric guitars: Keith
Richards and/or Jimmy
Lead vocal: Mick
Backing vocals: Mick
Jagger & Keith Richards
Brass: (unknown)
Percussion: (unknown)
Doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo
Don't you worry, try a little harder
Don't you worry, try a little harder
Don't you worry, try a little harder
Don't you worry, try a little harder
The girl really wants you - didn't, don't you
You've got to give her all the loving that
she needs
Got to try
Try it one more time
Got to try
Try it one more time
Don't you worry, try a little harder
Don't you worry, try a little harder
Give her loving that's a little stronger
Give her loving that's a little stronger
If you're with your baby when the day turns
to night
You've got to give her loving to make her
feel all right
It's all right, it's all right
Try it one more time
It's all right
Don't you worry, try a little harder
Don't you worry, try a little harder
Say goodnight and stay a little longer
Say goodnight and stay a little longer
You've got to keep her from crying then you've
got to try
To work very hard to keep her satisfied
Just try
Try it one more time
Try it one more time
Got to try
Try a little bit harder
Try a little bit harder
Try a little bit harder
Try a little harder
Try a little harder
If you're with your baby when the day turns
to night
You've got to give her loving, make her feel
all right
Got to try
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