Soul Survivor

Composers: Mick Jagger & Keith Richards
Recording date: July 1971, October-November 1971 & January-March 1972
Recording locations: Rolling Stones Mobile Unit, Keith Richards' home, Villefranche-sur-mer, France & Sunset Sound Studios, Los Angeles, USA
Producer: Jimmy Miller      Chief engineers: Glyn Johns, Andy Johns & Joe Zagarino
Never performed onstage

Probable line-up:

Drums: Charlie Watts
Bass: Keith Richards
Rhythm electric guitars: Keith Richards
Slide electric guitar: Mick Taylor
Lead vocals: Mick Jagger
Background vocals: Mick Jagger & Keith Richards
Piano: Nicky Hopkins
Tambourine: Jimmy Miller

When the waters is rough
The sailing is tough
I'll get drowned in your love

You've got a cut throat crew, yeah
I'm going to sink under you
Oh I've got the bell bottom blues

It's going to be the death of me

Yeah, yeah, it's the graveyard watch
Running right on the rocks
I've taken all of the knocks

You ain't giving me no quarter
I'd rather drink sea water
Oh I wish I'd never had brought you

It's going to the death of me

Soul survivor

Soul survivor

Yeah I'm the soul survivor

Ah I'm the soul survivor - that's what I'm talking

A soul survivor - t
hat's what I'm talking about
Ah, that's what I'm talking about
Yeah I'm the soul survivor

It's going to be the death of me
It's going to be the death of me

Uh huh yeah, when you're flying your flags

All my confidence sags
You've got me packing my bags

I'll stow away at sea
Yeah, you make me mutiny
Where you are I won't be

You're going to be the death of me, yeah

Uh huh...
Oh huh...
Oh huh...

Soul survivor - oh huh
Soul survivor

Soul survivor

Soul survivor

You're going to be the death of me

That's what I said - sour survi...
That's what I'm talking about
Oh, t
hat's what I tell you, uh huh 
That's what I'm talking

Soul survivor
Soul survivor
- uh huh
Soul survivor

I'm the soul survivor, uh huh 

Soul survivor - back to the water

Soul survivor - (...)

Soul survivor - oh huh

Soul survivor


I don't think (I wrote it about Keith). No, that's not about Keith at all. Soul Survivor? I don't even know if I wrote that. It sounds like one of Keith's.
- Mick Jagger, 2009

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